@ 2022 Capidava - Toate drepturile rezervate.
Cetatea de apărare a Afacerii tale
| Luni - Vineri: 09.00 - 16.00
|||| We Welcome Brokers
We welcome and protect fees to brokers and financial intermediaries. We welcome referrals/introductions from Attorneys, Accountants, Bankers, Finance Consultants, and other Professionals.
Our brokers, introducers, referrers, and finders are key to our success. Capidava.com routinely engages with third parties who facilitate new business relationships for the Company. Please contact us today for details concerning our generous rebate program
|||| Why refer Clients to Capidava?
We pay a very substantial Broker Fee and are prepared to guarantee that statement in writing .
You will be paid your Broker Fee direct immediately the Arrangement Fee is cleared .
Affiliate with Capidava and be assured of performing for your client.